I am worried about someone I know. How can I help?ding
If you know of, or are concerned about, someone in an abusive relationship there are some things you can do:
Keep regularly in touch with the person to check that they are safe, ensuring that it is safe for them to be in touch with you. Assume that a perpetrator of violence can see, hear and or monitor communications, so find out how best to communicate with the person that you are concerned about. Send them an SMS or message via email or social media, in a way that is safe for them. Be discrete in connecting with them when the abuser is present in the home so that they are not placed at risk of additional harm. Check each time, as this may change.
Find out what services for survivors of violence against women (e.g. shelters, hotlines, counseling services, women’s organizations) are functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic and make this information available through your networks and social media. Only provide this information directly if you can do so discretely without the abuser finding out.
If someone you know needs urgent help for whatever reason, be prepared to call emergency health services, the police, health center, or hotline.